Thursday, February 8, 2007


I'd been off to a good start this year, especially compared to last. I was lucky enough to get a cyclocross race in mid month. Finished 2nd, but the field was light at only 4. The 100 odd miles I've ridden so far with some running on the side is about triple what I logged all last winter. I'm down 5-6 pounds since the holidays, compared to having put on that much additional weight each month last year.

I've found that Spin class with Liz can be quite a workout, although I should be focusing mostly on the base miles at this point. I've also signed up to run the Cleveland Marathon, well 1/2 of it anyway, with Team in Training. Unfortunately, I've been under the weather for the last week and have been off the bike and trails. I'm feeling a little better today, but will wait 'till tomorrow to hit the trainer again.

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