Wednesday, December 5, 2007

TAG - Consider yourself warned!

I got tagged by Tri Eric the other day. This requires me to post 5 random things about myself and to tag 5 other people. After a long while of meaningful reflection (and procrastination), I've come up with the following:
  1. I'm really a country boy at heart: grew up working on my uncles' dairy farm; took four years of Vo-Ag in high school; was an active 4-H & FFA member (and president).

  2. I've always been competitive after I began running track and cross country in junior high.

  3. I would consider myself a jack of all trades and understand that I'm really master of none (which is ok).

  4. I like a variety of music, but I'm a closet '80s fan and my favorite band is Def Leppard.

  5. I consider my Grandpa as the biggest influence in my life; he's given my family and me so much over the years that I can never thank him enough.

The 5 lucky tagees are:
  1. Brett

  2. Brooke

  3. Donny

  4. John

  5. Shawn

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like country boys! Especially those that are jacks of all trades and masters of none! My favorite 80's band is The B-52's, The Pretenders, Blondie.