Monday, April 21, 2008


Wired Magazine: issue 16.04

Garbage In, Garden Out: Inside the High Tech Trash Disassembly Line
By Sonia Zjawinski 3.24.08 | 6:00 PM

Of course we know that enlightened readers such as yourself separate your paper, plastic, and glass. But someone out there sure doesn't — more than 63 million tons of US recyclables end up in landfills every year. Global Renewables might be able to shrink that number. The Australia-based company built a facility in Sydney that combines every trash-sorting technology imaginable — wind sifters, optical scanners, magnets, electrical currents. It diverts 75 percent of the city's waste stream to recycling, conserving landfill space and cutting down on greenhouse gases.

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1 comment:

JimmyNick said...

Medina County has a plant like that.
Take the 75% number with a big grain of salt, though. Gross exaggeration is part of the game. Alpaca farmers make their money by telling everyone how great alpaca farming is so new schmucks buy little alpacas from them. Trash consultants and trash-plant builders do something similar.