Thursday, April 10, 2008

Whew! I guess these odds are OK

See the following link for a breakdown in the odds of dying from various causes:

I'm sure Dr. E will be able to provide some additional insight as to whether the chart appears accurate or not. Notice the top 3: heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Cycling will prevent heart disease and stroke, so it's certainly better to ride than to not.

Now I just need to ride and raise money for the ACS or LAF.


Stella Erratic said...

Just so I don't let you down... I'll comment.

The odds may be fine, but his interpretation is incorrect. Who could possible blow off 350,000 fireworks in their lifetime? They'd be deaf long before dead... that's for sure.

The graph is cool though... nice way to represent the data. Now I'd like to see how they came up with the numbers. And his links are really not helpful.

JimmyNick said...

I can personally vouch for the veracity of that link's assertion, because the odds of me going down in a plane are immeasurably long -- unless Charleze Theron asks me to.