Thursday, July 10, 2008

Fair and Balanced? You have got to be kidding...

I used to watch FOX news and follow Bill O'Reilly 6-7 years ago. This was during my darker days when I watched a lot more TV and was 30+ pounds over weight.

I also used to lean more to the 'right' than the left. The more I think about it, I wasn't really leaning toward the 'right', I was leaning toward the wrong.

A friend sent me the following link this morning. I used to despise and their snide advertisements. Little did I know how right they could be or how wrong I could be. Take a look at the images to the left from . It makes me ashamed to have ever aligned myself as a Republican. I was also not very shocked to see the name of Benjacat's boy Boehner scrolling across the bottom of the screen.

FOX: Stop the smears

FOX has really gone over the line this past month--using racism, prejudice, and fear to smear Barack Obama. Each time they apologize--then they do it again.

First, a paid FOX commentator accidentally confused "Obama" with "Osama" and then joked on the air about killing Obama. Next, a FOX anchor said a playful fist pound by Barack and Michelle Obama could be a "terrorist fist jab." And then, FOX called Michelle Obama "Obama's baby mama"--slang used to describe the unmarried mother of a man's child.

FOX won't stop until it becomes too painful to continue--until the public calls them out and advertisers start getting worried. Nearly 100,000 Americans have already expressed their outrage. Can you express yours by adding your name to his message?

A compiled petition with your individual comment will be presented to FOX.

I've signed the petition, and I will encourage all of you to do the same. I am also thinking about blocking Fox 8 Cleveland from my TVs (although I would miss Robin).


Cycling Phun said...

When, and for the love of God why, did cycling blogs get corrupted with politics?

Gary Burkholder said...

Phun- I know you said you had been involved in politics in the past. I think cycling and advocacy go hand in hand. We can either be helped or hindered by legislative decisions.

ds said...

I'm not even really sure that the people behind Fox really have a conservative agenda as much as they like to exploit the prejudices/fears of their audience to make boatloads of money on advertising.

Also, I have a problem with categorizing the current state of the Republican party as "conservative." True conservatives are libertarians. Most current Republicans only want limited government, lower taxes, etc. when it suits thier purposes.

Anonymous said...

Anyone check out the cover of this month's New Yorker Magazine??

The Politics of Fear

ds said...

Yep, pretty amusing cover. It's obviously meant for political commentary and not to be taken seriously. Plus, I'm pretty sure most people who may think that Obama is some sort of Muslim/terrorist/extremist do not take their marching orders from the New Yorker. I actually liked it, but I feel the Obama campaign probably had to react the way it did after all of the mainstream media attention it got, which meant that many from the group I just mentioned (who otherwise would not read the New Yorker) also saw it but likely failed to appreciate the satire of it.