Friday, August 29, 2008

Thelma vs. Bones - rumble on the road

Some of you might remember back in January when I met Thelma and started a meaningful relationship that has lasted just over 7 months now. Well, I know it's usually not good to bring up a previous fling, but I need to really show the change that Thelma has brought to my life.

Don't get me wrong, my relationship with Bones was a good one while it lasted. We had many good times. Reminiscing to a previous post 'What coulda been...', I sometimes miss my rough and ragged Bones:

Pics from both the Broadview races in 2005. Right now, it looks like the weather will be good for this Saturday's race.

Hopefully Copley's will be good too.

(Although I'm certain it won't be in the 60's like it was last year)

It seems like it was only yesterday that this pic was taken at The Fields in Broadview Heights:

Dirty Bikes!
Dirty Bikes!,
originally uploaded by gburkhol.

It tugs at my heart to remember trusty old Bones 3 and the good times we had. She has now hitched a ride to the west coast with a dear friend of mine. I had almost forgot about the brief stint I had with Bones' little sis Bones 2 after she and my friend grew apart and when Bones 3 took a liking to his car and latched on. I really hope for his sake that she wasn't just using him for the ride to LA. My brief fling with Bones 2 (I would hardly even call it a fling, especially since Thelma is the jealous type) ended almost before it started when she hopped in the car and rode off with another friend of mine looking for Nirvana or something.

It's good to remember all the fun times that I had with my Saris Bones 3. When I let her go, she looked almost as good as the day I first met her 7 years ago. She was very sturdy and it's not like I treated her as nicely as I could have by leaving her on my car year round the majority of the time. She did have her way of showing displeasure with her rougher touch on my Alero's finish and the frames of my bikes (the car's finish could have been easily protected had I not shared the same disregard for it as I did for ole Bones).

But enough about the past; I'm really looking forward to a longer and better relationship with my Saris Thelma 3. I will be sure to post more pics of her in all her glory when the Cyclocross season starts next week. But until then to hook up with a Bones or Thelma of your own, see the fine gentlemen at Bike Authority. They have a great selection of Saris racks to choose from. And this weekend you can even look forward to a 10% discount on the Saris rack of your choosing. Click HERE for more info, or just read down the page.

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