Friday, September 5, 2008

Drill bit anyone?

Drill, baby, drill - Cyclelicious

Drill baby drill!

You know, I almost wish there would be hundreds of new oil wells drilled right now. But the reality of the situation is that the fish would just grow into the bigger tank and we would be in far worse shape in the future than we are currently. Now is the time to draw down America's addiction to oil. It's as simple as supply and demand. It's a two sided equation and people have to understand that reducing demand is just as viable, if not more viable, than simply increasing the supply.


Yokota Fritz said...

Sadly, I think more drilling is inevitable -- even the DNC leadership is conceding that as they recognize the public sentiment. THanks for the link love!

Gary Burkholder said...

Thanks for stopping by! I just watched the video again and it just shocks the hell out of me.

The chant 'drill baby drill' sounds like the hum of a swarm of locusts ready to devour everything in sight and crush anything and anyone who stands in the way.