Monday, September 8, 2008

Is Lance returning to the peloton

I just saw a link to the following Velonews article over at drunkcyclist aptly titled 'Livewrong' - "Apparently, cavorting with the Olsen twins, hooking up with Kate Hudson and shmoozing Hollywood’s elite isn’t much of a challenge for ‘ol one nut. Look who’s returning to the peleton." I guess you can add that list accomplishments to Lance's current endevour as reported by the last week's issue of RBR (Issue No. 359 - 09/04/08)
Lance Armstrong is getting slammed for joining the campaign against childhood vaccinations. Those in the movement believe the shots can cause autism. As a blogger called Orac puts it, "another celebrity has been sucked into the maw of antivaccine propagandizing disguised as an autism charity."
More on the vaccine 'debate' (if it even qualifies as that).

I digress; back to the main story from VeloNews:
Lance Armstrong will come out of retirement next year to compete in five road races with the Astana team, according to sources familiar with the developing situation.

Armstrong, who turns 37 this month, will compete in the Amgen Tour of California, Paris-Nice, the Tour de Georgia, the Dauphine-Libere and the Tour de France — and will race for no salary or bonuses, the sources, who asked to remain anonymous, told VeloNews.


Other rumors are that Armstrong will continue to pursue mountain bike racing, and may try his hand at cyclocross as well.
Click here to continue the VeloNews article

I think VeloNews hit the nail on the head when they said:

"A return to racing would no doubt bring large crowds to American races, and could perhaps save the Tour de Georgia, which is struggling to land a title sponsor."

All kidding aside, most any big name news is good in the cycling world today, as long as it doesn't involve doping.

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